Layouts |
Layouts mark with (X) are extinct - they have been dismantled,
some are being rebuilt in a new location. The new layouts will be added to the list as they are re-built. |
Central Coast (NSW) | Doug Kirby |
( X ) Costaplenty (CVP) | |
Sydney (NSW) | Fred Gill GMMR (d) | The Diamond Valley Lines Hon3 (DC) | |
Central Coast (NSW) | Dennis Clarke MMR | Barmedman (CVP) | |
Blue Mountains (NSW) | Bob Best MMR | ( X ) Great Northern Railway (CVP) |
Central Coast (NSW) | Peter Jensen 2 |
(UPDATED) Vermont Railway (Digitrax) | |
Medowie (NSW) | Bill Fowler (d) | ( X )Eternal Swamps Railroad (CVP) | |
Sydney (NSW) | Jim Poole | CB&Q - Cody, Wyoming (CVP) |
Sydney (NSW) | John Baker (d) | ( X ) UP / SP - Bakerville Sub (Sys 1) | |
Sydney (NSW) | Sowerby Smith MMR | Southern Pacific - Shasta Sub (MRC) | |
Central Coast (NSW) | John Saxon MMR (d) |
Cedar Valley - Allegheny Sub (CVP) | |
Central Coast (NSW) |
Gerry Hopkins MMR | Great Northern - Great Falls Sub (CVP) | |
Central Coast (NSW) |
Gerry Hopkins MMR | Franklyn, Somerset & Kennebec Railroad (CVP) | |
Central Coast (NSW) | Ken Scales MMR | Atlantic Coast Railroad (NCE) |
Central Coast (NSW) | John Parker MMR |
(X)Barren Creek & Santa Fe (CVP) | |
Sydney NSW | David Latham MMR | Santa Fe (Sys 1) | |
Central Coast (NSW) | David Swinfield (d) |
( X ) Santa Fe - Raton Pass(CVP) | |
Sydney (NSW) | Steve Pettit MMR | ( X ) Otter Tail Canyon (NCE) | |
Central Coast (NSW) | Phil Moore | ( X ) Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway (Sys 1) |
Sydney (NSW) | Ian Roffey | Great Western Railway (NCE) |
Sydney (NSW) | Doug Wallace | Mohawk Springs & Northwood (CVP) | |
Sydney (NSW) | John Arrowsmith | ATSF (NCE) | |
Central Coast (NSW) | Paul Morrant MMR | Just a Bit of Logging (NCE) |
Syndey (NSW) | David Howarth MMR | New York Central (2014) The Beginning (NCE) | |
Sydney (NSW) | Jeff Lee MMR | BNSF - Downunder (NCE) UPDATED 13-03-2017 | |
Central Coast (NSW) | Graham Wotton | BNSF Rogue River Sub-Division (CVP) | |
Blue Mountains (NSW) | Bob Best MMR | Great Northern (CVP) | |
Central Coast (NSW) | Trevor James | UP / SP - Mandalong Sub (CVP) | |
Sydney (NSW) | Richard Biggs | Western NSW (NCE) | |
Sydney (NSW) | Geoff Nott (d) & John Montgomary | Charging Moose On3 (NCE) | |
Central Coast (NSW) | Spencer McCormack | The Short North (CVP) | |
Central Coast (NSW) | Steve Magee | Lumber Mountain Railroad - On30 (NCE) | |
Southern Coast (NSW) | Lynden Spence | SANTA FE RAILWAY, LOS ANGELES DIVISION 1950s (NCE) | |
Sydney (NSW) | Muskrat Ramble | Southern Louisiana - On3 (DC) | |
Sydney (NSW) | Lawrence Nagy | Eire Lackawana - N Scale (NCE) | |
Southern Highlands (NSW) | Geo Paxon MMR | Mountain Logging - On3 (CVP) | |
Southern Highlands (NSW) | Steve Pettit MMR | The Timber Float Co. On3 (DC) | |
Sydney (NSW) | David Howarth MMR | ( X ) Beaumouth - O scale (NCE) | |
Sydney (NSW) | Dieter Chidel | The Chilli Line - HOn3 (DC) | |
Central Coast (NSW) | David O'Hearn MMR | Ohio River and Western Railroad - On30 (NCE) | |
Sydney (NSW) | Don Davis (d) | ( X ) South Side Rail - HO (NCE) | |
Newcastle (NSW) | Doug Cook | The Santa Fe & South Pacific - N Scale (DC) | |
Sydney (NSW) | Bill Cooper | Fern Valley Railway - HO (Lenz) | |
Sydney (NSW) | Steve Chapman MMR | Hill & Eile Railroad - On30 (Digitrax) | |
Raworth (NSW) | Colin Hussey | ( X ) Essence - NSW - HO (NCE) | |
Central Coast (NSW) | Jack Parker | (X)Bohrimbah - NSW - HO (CVP) | |
Central Coast (NSW) | Gerry Hopkins MMR | Maineville - HOn30 (CVP) | |
Sydney (NSW) | The Narrow Gauge Gang | ( X ) Redstag - On3 - (DC) | |
Central Coast (NSW) | Sam Mangion MMR (d) | The Buff Point Branch - NSW - HO (CVP) | |
Central Coast (NSW) | Rowan Mangion | The South Main Line - NSW - HO (CVP) | |
Sydney (NSW) | John Diamond MMR (d) | ( X ) Tupper Lake & South Junction Railroad -HO (NCE) | |
Sydney (NSW) | Geoff Nott (d) & Michael Flack | Smuggler's Cove - On30 (DC) | |
Central Coast (NSW) | Phil Moore | (b)( X )ATSF New Mexico Division, Circa 1950 in HO (NCE) | |
Sydney (NSW) | Vic Quince (d) | The Inner West in HO (DC) | |
Bathurst (NSW) | John Brown | Tarana to Bathurst in HO (CVP) | |
Newcastle (NSW) | Colin Brettle | Southern Pacific - HO (NCE) | |
Denman (NSW) | John Brown | NSWGR - HO (DC) | |
Newcastle (NSW) | Kelly Loyd MMR | Milwaukee Road - HO (CVP) | |
Sydney (NSW) | Rod Smith -(d) | The Missouri and Topeka Valley Railroad (DC) | |
Central Coast (NSW) | Jack MacMicking (d) | Lynton & Barnstable - 45mm - Live Steam | |
Central Coast (NSW) | Steve Reynolds | Toronto (NSW) - O - DC | |
Sydney (NSW) | Michael Flack | Silverton - Sn3 - DC | |
Central Coast (NSW) | Spencer MacCormack | The Short North (NSW) - HO (CVP) | |
Central Coast (NSW) | David Price | Victoria Dock (UK) - OO (CVP) | |
Sydney (NSW) | Doug Wallace | Mowhawk Springs & Norwood - HO (CVP) |